


A seizure is the physical findings or changes in behavior that occur after an episode of abnormal electrical activity in the brain.


  • Generalized tonic clonic seizure.
  • Partial (focal) seizure.
  • Petit mal (absence) seizure.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Fever (febrile) convulsions (seizures in children with high fever).

Emergency First Aid

  • Do not attempt to force a hard object (such as a spoon or a tongue depressor) between the teeth. You can cause more damage than you can prevent.
  • Do not try to hold the person down during the seizure.
  • Turn the person to the side if vomiting occurs. Keep the person on his or her side while sleeping after the seizure is over.
  • If the person having a seizure turns blue or stops breathing, try to position their head to prevent their tongue from blocking their airways. Breathing usually starts on its own once the seizure is over.
  • CPR or mouth-to-mouth breathing is rarely needed after seizures and cannot be performed during the seizure.

If a person has repeated or prolonged seizures without regaining consciousness or returning to normal behavior, the body may develop a severe lack of oxygen. This is an emergency situation. Seek immediate medical help.

After The Seizure

Treat any injuries from bumps or falls. Record details of the seizure to report to the person's primary health care provider. You should note the following details :

  • How long it lasted
  • What body parts were affected
  • Type of movements or other symptoms
  • Possible causes
  • How the person behaved after the seizure

When to Contact a Medical Professional

If this is the first time someone has ever had a seizure, or if this is an unusually long seizure in someone who has a seizure disorder, call 9960005088 or Hospital emergency number -0253-6639008 immediately. These symptoms can be caused by life-threatening conditions, such as a stroke or meningitis.

Report all seizures (even a mild one) to the health care provider. If the person is known to have epilepsy or recurrent seizures, their doctor should be notified so that medications can be adjusted or other instructions given.