Patient Care


Physiotherapy (OT and PT) : Trained OT PT specialist/ Physiotherapist with special interest in Neurological disorders are available full time at the clinic.

Pediatric Neurology : Care and Services for various intelligence, aptitudinal tests and guidance for mentally or physically handicapped children.

Diet & Ketogenic Diet- special guidance for various neurological diseases Ketogenic diet for refractory epilepsy.

Regular follow up- Special efforts are taken to inform and arrange follow up visit either in Nashik or Outside, via telephone call or SMS.

Stroke- thrombolysis- within 4.5 hrs of onset of stroke (at Narayani Hospital, Nashik).

Emergency care- 24 Hours- at Narayani hospital equipped for all emergency care in neurological problems. Call Ambulance -Narayani Hospital +91 8390000835 Dr.Anand Diwan.